Every parent, guardian, and teacher of a student attending Kromrey is automatically a member of the PTO.
The Kromrey PTO recognizes the importance of parents and teachers working together to improve the lives of our children.
Our mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff, and to provide resources to support the school in offering outstanding curricular and enrichment opportunities for our students.

Every parent, guardian, and teacher of a student attending Kromrey is automatically a member of the PTO.
The Kromrey PTO recognizes the importance of parents and teachers working together to improve the lives of our children.
Our mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff, and to provide resources to support the school in offering outstanding curricular and enrichment opportunities for our students.

Every parent, guardian, and teacher of a student attending Kromrey is automatically a member of the PTO.
The Kromrey PTO recognizes the importance of parents and teachers working together to improve the lives of our children.
Our mission is to promote open communication and understanding between parents and staff, and to provide resources to support the school in offering outstanding curricular and enrichment opportunities for our students.
As a family member of a Kromrey student, you are already a member of the PTO!
The PTO welcomes everyone to get involved. Please check out the volunteer opportunities!
Together, we can support the Kromrey staff, students and community so Kromrey can continue to be a wonderful place to learn and grow!
As a family member of a Kromrey student, you are already a member of the PTO!
The PTO welcomes everyone to get involved. Please check out the volunteer opportunities!
Together, we can support the Kromrey staff, students and community so Kromrey can continue to be a wonderful place to learn and grow!

GCMS Playground Design Goals
The designs for our expansion project were created out of a collaboration with School Administration, Special Education staff, and Student/General Staff surveys. Through this collaboration, 3 main goals were identified and became the guiding light for our design journey. Below is an outline of our project goals and a description of how our chosen plans (pictured) fulfill those goals.
Add playground options for the 200+ students present at each recess, thus allowing more students to PLAY and socialize with their peers​
Our proposed plan will add 12 climbing/balancing/overhead structures, a large climber-spinner (max use-25 kids), chair spinner, hand cycle, benches for sitting, an inclusive orbit spinner, and replacement Gaga Ball pit that is fully accessible and has stable surfacing rather than the existing pea gravel.
By adding all of the structures below, we will be adding play options for at least 70 more students per recess; 280 more students throughout the school lunch recess periods.

Add accessible playground pieces designed for integrated play among students of all needs and abilities. It is important that all of our students can say they have an option for play at GCMS
Our proposed plan includes components that are fully wheelchair accessible (Inclusive Orbit spinner and new inclusive Gage Pit pictured in 1st photo below, and the hand cycle pictured in the 2nd photo) and some that are designed for greater inclusivity (Rev 8 climber-spinner and a chair spinner pictured in the 2nd photo below).
The plan also includes 2,800 sq. ft of Playbound Poured Rubber Pad (split among both inclusive sections shown above). This Rubber Pad surfacing is quite costly, but has incredible benefits. According to GCMS Physical Therapist, Amy Olsen, “Rubber surfacing on the playground is necessary for students who use wheelchairs or other adaptive equipment to navigate their environment. A rubber surface would also help students that are able to walk independently but might have balance challenges that make surfaces like wood chips or grass inaccessible. As a school based physical therapist, I often observe students unable or unwilling to play on the playground due to fear of falling or difficulty accessing the equipment, leading to social isolation during recess and increased sedentary behavior. Adding an area with accessible surfacing will lead to greater peer to peer interaction and provide everyone a chance for physical activity. Our vision for this outdoor area is to make play and outdoor recreation available to all students, regardless of their physical abilities, and this upgrade will ensure we are meeting that goal.”

Choose pieces that maximize our available space and that are obstacle course-like in design to honor our student preferences of a “Ninja Warrior” style section of play​
The “nucleus modular structure” includes 12 play structures (climbing, balancing, and overhead components) which are connected in a way to encourage use as an Obstacle Course akin to ninja warrior style structures. The lay-out was chosen as it accommodated the most number of structures in the space we have available.
By choosing designs that match our students desires, we feel the structures will be incredibly popular and widely used by our student body.