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The Glacier Creek PTO is able to provide the opportunities it does through the generosity and volunteer hours of our community.  We currently have two "Buckets" of funds that we are working with:


The first, and always present, is the General PTO funds.  These funds go toward our general operations, such as School Enrichment Grants, End-of-year Class Celebrations, Staff Appreciation, and operating expenses.  To donate to this bucket, CLICK HERE.


Unique to the present, is our second "bucket" which is our Sabercat Fund 4 Outdoor Fun which is the capital campaign for our Playground Expansion Project at Glacier Creek Middle School.  For more details about this project and to donate, please visit our Playground Expansion page.


 The PTO uses the fundraising platform, Zeffy.  Zeffy gives us 100% of the donations received, but in order for that to happen, they ask for tips from those donating.  Tips are set up automatically on checkout, but are NOT required and you can zero out that section.  Please consider leaving a tip to ensure they can continue to give non-profits all proceeds being donated.  



Or you can write a check!

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Staff Grant Funding

Playground Expansion


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